Friday, January 29, 2010

NIDA Stifles Cannabis Research - NORML

Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of NORML reports that NIDA has admitted that it discourages Medicinal cannabis research. Well, surprise surprise NIDA...I think the majority of us were already aware of your policy towards marijuana and research into medicinal use. After all, isn't it a part of the Czar's Job Description that he/she must actively attempt to discredit any valid medicinal use for cannabis?


NIDA spokeswoman Shirley Simson told the Times: "As the National Institute on Drug Abuse, our focus is primarily on the negative consequences of marijuana use. We generally do not fund research focused on the potential beneficial medical effects of marijuana."
NIDA presently oversees an estimated 85 percent of the world's research on controlled substances.
Commenting on NIDA's admission NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano said, "NIDA has finally admitted to the world the 'Catch-22' that has been plaguing medical marijuana advocates and patients. Lawmakers demand clinical research regarding the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis, but the agency in charge of such research denies these studies from ever taking place. It's tragic that these public officials have let political ideology, not science, determine American's health decisions."

Sunday, January 24, 2010

THC Blocked by Chemical - Stops High and Even Reverses it

I just read an abstract about some experiments conducted on rats and monkeys back in 1995. Scientists found a compound that locks onto THC receptors and prevents the high associated with cannabis. Further studies showed that the compound may even reverse the effects of THC.

This is a good sign for the development of cannabis based medicine 'without the high'. However, one wonders if this could upset the balance of the THC/CBD synergy for some treatments.

Read the abstract here:

Antagonism of the discriminative stimulus effects of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in rats and rhesus monkeys.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

THC and CBD are Synergistic - It's Natures Way, Man

Cannabis...It's all about being natural. Haven't the hippies been telling us this for years?

It's lack of balance that makes skunk cannabis do harm - 20 January 2010 - New Scientist

This article starts off looking like your typical 'Pot Psychosis' rant, until you get into it a bit further.

The good scientists are actually advising that THC and CBD work in synergy. Their studies (on humans and other animals), show that THC by itself, eg; high THC strains, pure THC medicines, can raise the risk of psychosis in at risk subjects. However, when combined with CBD, the psychosis risk subsides. It appears that CBD has anti-psychotic properties that temper the effects of THC.

In another recent study entitled, 'Cannabidiol enhances the inhibitory effects of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on human glioblastoma cell proliferation and survival', it has been found that CBD enhances the cancer fighting capabilities of THC in respect to glioblastoma (brain cancer) cells. The two work as a team to kind of starve the cancer cells to death.

Both of these studies should help the Medicinal Cannabis industry to develop more effective treatments for specific ailments. These and future studies will be extremely important in the development of strains to treat schizophrenia, psychosis and depression, as well as potent, yet safe anti-cancer drugs. Who knows? Chemotherapy may one day be assigned to the history books along with blood-letting and other relics of bad medicine.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Marijuana Medicine Evaluation Centers

I was reading a blog post that was in my Google Alerts today and thought it worth linking to. I should say though, that the blog is on the 'Marijuana Medicine Evaluation Centers' web site, so you can read into that whatever you wish. However, the post was well thought out, well referenced, and produced good arguments for medicinal cannabis.

The post covers some interesting topics and I'd recommend you read the full article. Here is a sample:

Marijuana is not only useful in treating cancer patients. It has also been shown to help people with glaucoma, AIDS, neurological disorders, muscle spasticity, seizure disorders, and chronic pain. This evidence alone shows that it cannot honestly be classified as a Schedule I drug. It definitely does have some therapeutic value. Instead of blindly forbidding the use of marijuana in the United States, the government could look at how its use, with a doctor’s prescription, can benefit many members of society. This way, doctors and patients could make educated choices about the right medications to use in their treatment, without legal restrictions, and patients would be able to get the best possible medication; however, legalizing marijuana, even only for medicinal uses, would be hard to do in this country mainly because of the widely held belief that marijuana is a gateway drug to harsher and more dangerous substances. If oncologists would stress the upside of legalizing marijuana for their patient, that would add legitimacy to the argument. Testimonials by cancer patients what would illustrate the relief they would gain by smoking marijuana would also have impact. A public awareness campaign including both print and television media would also be beneficial. The case would have to be made to those who are not presently suffering the effects of chemotherapy, as well as to those who are. This case should be easy to make because no one is immune from cancer and most everyone is afraid of the pain and sickness associated with the disease and its treatment, or knows someone who is. The campaign to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes and the eventual legalization of marijuana for these purposes would greatly benefit a large number of people who are currently suffering from this disease, and people who may develop this disease in the future.

New Zealand Cannabis Laws Challenged in Court


A judge deciding whether cannabis laws breached the rights of a cannabis campaigner has reserved her decision.
Judge Ann Kiernan said she wanted to carefully consider an application by Dakta Green for a stay of proceedings on charges he faces of possession of cannabis and possession for supply.

The original post:

This is something we Aussies should be taking a lead from.

Dakta Green, founder of New Zealand's most prominent cannabis club will today argue that cannabis laws are a fundamental breach of his rights.
Mr Green is arguing for a stay of proceedings on charges of possession and possession for supply and will argue before Judge Keirnan that cannabis laws
discriminate against cannabis users and that the severity of the penalties breach the Bill of Rights Act.
The hearing will see the Misuse of Drugs Act challenged using the Bill of Rights Act
"Alcohol and tobacco are dangerous drugs but are legally available. Cannabis causes less harm to our community", says Green...

The illegality of cannabis may well be a breach of the Australian Constitution as well. However, our politicians respect our Constitution in much the same way as a person respects a dog turd on the footpath. They recognize the danger of standing in it and give it a wide berth. For all intents and purposes, our Constitution doesn't exist when it comes to the Law.

Having said that, it may be worthwhile looking into a challenge to The Courts over here. 
I'll post an update to this as soon as the results of the hearing are heard.

Monday, January 18, 2010

IL-2? Cannabis? '(THC) decreases the number of high and intermediate affinity IL-2 receptors of the IL-2 dependent cell line NKB61A2 '? WTF?

This study has me confused. You see, I'm not an immunopharmacologist. I'm just a half smart medicinal smoker who is learning more and more every day about research into cannabinoids via the Interweb.

I've read this abstract and, due to my inexperience in this field, I had to search for what an 'IL-2' is.

An IL-2 is, according to the knowledgeable folk who contribute to Wikipedia:

Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is an interleukin, a type of cytokine immune system signaling molecule, which is a leukocytotrophic hormone that is instrumental in the body's natural response to microbial infection and in discriminating between foreign (non-self) and self. IL-2 mediates its effects by binding to IL-2 receptors, which are expressed by lymphocytes, the cells that are responsible for immunity.

 In English (I'm getting good at deciphering medical speak), it means:

IL-2 is produced by the body to help fight infections or foreign bodies in OUR bodies. It induces the immune response in humans (if I'm wrong, some medico will set me straight I'm sure).

OK, now the study (in laymans terms) says that THC reduces the effectiveness of these IL-2s.

Now, in terms of fighting infections etc, one would think that this could be a bad thing. However, anti-rejection drugs do the same thing. They are 'immunosuppressives'. That is, they weaken the immune system so that a transplant recipient's body doesn't attack the new organ. THC (according to this study) has the potential to do the same thing, as well as acting against the common side-effects of other immunosuppressives. For example, THC does not damage vital organs and acts as a cancer fighting agent (see earlier posts). Modern Immunosuppressive drugs are indiscriminate. They reduce the bodies ability to fight ANY attack (including cancerous cells). Cannabis could potentially reduce transplant rejection with minimal side-effects due to its broad spectrum medicinal qualities.

In my experience, I've found that if I maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle (ie, get some sun and don't become a couch potato), it doesn't matter how much pot I smoke, I remain healthy. I don't get flu or colds (even though I work in an industry that is exposed to wide and varied contact with many people), and I don't get infections.
As I said, I smoke for medicinal reasons at a dose that is 'right' for me.

I'll be following this study to find out what the boffins are saying. 

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baby Steps For Medicinal cannabis In Australia

A Doctor from the Royal Melbourne Hospital's neurology department is leading the push to have Sativex approved for medicinal use in Australia.
Sativex (for those of you who don't know) is a cannabis based nasal spray, used to relieve neurological  pain and MS symptoms amongst others.

According to GW Pharmaceuticals, the developer of Sativex:

Sativex is GW's lead cannabinoid pharmaceutical product, standardized by both composition and dose, that is being developed for the treatment of conditions such as cancer pain, neuropathic pain of various origins, and symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
Sativex is administered as an oral spray which is absorbed by the patient’s mouth. It is composed primarily of a 1:1 ratio of two cannabinoids-CBD (cannabidiol-a non-psychoactive cannabinoid) and THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). The CBD:THC formulation is believed to enhance the pain relief of THC while modulating the unwanted psychotropic and other THC-related side effects, such as tachycardia. The spray delivery system keeps THC from entering the blood too rapidly and also minimizes the development of unwanted psychotropic effects.

 Now, this is a good step in the right direction for medicine in Australia. However, if Sativex, a foreign owned drug can be approved in Australia, why can't Tony Bower have his tincture tested and approved for medicinal use in Australia? After all, his product has convincing anecdotal proof that it works as effectively, if not more effectively than Sativex.

From the Northern Rivers Echo:

Tony has developed a way of extracting the psychoactive substance THC from the plant and putting it into tinctures that can be taken orally. From his van in Nimbin he is giving it away to people he thinks it will help, as long as they show him a doctor’s certificate confirming their condition...

For the past 18 months Tony has been trying to have his product tested and approved by the relevant government authorities, but despite jumping through all of the legal and bureaucratic hoops that have been placed before him, he has been frustrated every step of the way.
“I tried to get it tested through a university but they called me up and said, ‘we’ve got pressure from up high and we can’t involve ourselves’... Every time I try to get a test done the government stops it,” he said. “I’m not going to sit back and be treated like a criminal when these other people (drug companies) are allowed to bring it in. I’ve done all the stuff they asked me to do – let me get it tested!”
Tony’s legal adviser Debra Sands is planning to take the matter before the Supreme Court later this year...

 I urge you to read the full article.

For you folks who are unaware of what's happening world wide in respect to medicinal marijuana, I'll fill you in on a little of what's happening in the US and Canada.

First, there are now 14 states in the US that have passed laws allowing the use of cannabis for medicinal use. That number is expected to rise to 26 this year.

In California, a bill has been approved to legalize the adult use of cannabis. 

In Canada, cannabis can be grown for medicinal use. There are also pushes in Canada for full legalization.

Finally, when you consider that the value of the cannabis industry in California alone is estimated to 14 BILLION dollars annually (far and above that of corn), full legalization is a wise economic step.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Granny Storm Crow's MMJ Reference List

I hope Granny Storm Crow doesn't get offended by me pasting her list here. I feel it deserves more exposure.

I know a lot of time went into this, because I've toyed with the idea myself, but have procrastinated due to the time it would involve. So thanks Granny Storm Crow for your efforts. This list has been around and for two years or so. It's been updated and modified to reflect the latest studies.

You can read all about Granny Storm Crow here:

I found the the post here, but it's on a number of other fora:

How this list came about-

"If the truth won't do, then something is wrong!"

Those were the furious words of my grandfather to my Mother. I had walked in from joyfully stuffing my face with red raspberries in the garden, straight into "war zone"! My gentle grandfather in a fury, his hand raised! Mom was just beginning to shrink back away from him. They saw me and quickly sent me away. But it was too late, the scene and the words were seared into my 5-year-old brain. That was over 55 years ago, but I still remember it clearly. My grandfather was a minister, one very short step away from God in my young mind. It was one of those life changing moments. It is still rare for me to tell a lie. I never found out what my Mother's lie was.

As I child, I suffered a traumatic head injury. Another child tried to murder me with a hammer. I was left with frequent migraines. At 19, like many rebellious teens, I tried cannabis. It took about a year for me to make the connection between using cannabis and the absence of my normally frequent migraines. I have used cannabis ever since.

I am an avid reader. While perusing an old book on herbal medicine, I read how the little old ladies of Mexico made and used a cannabis/tequila rub on their arthritic hands. Then I met Joey, an epileptic musician. He told me another interesting fact- when he had pot he could cut his medication in half! On a camping trip years later, I smelled an unmistakable odor. Following my nose, I was totally shocked to find a grandmotherly lady in her 70s puffing away on a delicate oriental pipe. "Parkinson's. And the pot's way cheaper than the pills!" Her nephew kept her well supplied, she said. We had a nice chat about various medical uses of cannabis.

Epilepsy, Parkinson's, arthritis, and my migraines! What else was it good for? Yet every news article on cannabis that I saw, claimed one new horror after another. Men grew breasts and were impotent. Women became sterile, or miscarried. It made you crazy and murderous. Made you lazy and do nothing. It caused cancer and heart attacks...What I had learned on my own and from others and what I was being told in the press were so different!

What was the truth? I began researching. I printed the first studies up and kept them in a notebook, just as a personal reference. The notebook quickly filled. I started a Word file of the URLs and on July 30 2007, I posted it. It continues to grow.

Here's some of what I have found. All I've done is copy the URLs, then put them all in some semblance order for everyone to use as a reference. Please feel free to share this list with anyone who could benefit from it.
"If the truth won't do, then something is wrong!"
Granny's grandpa- Rev. John Schwabenland

Need MMJ studies? check here-

Granny Storm Crow's MMJ Reference List
January 2010

It Is Time for Marijuana to Be Reclassified as Something Other Than a Schedule I Drug
It Is Time for Marijuana to Be Reclassified as Something Other Than a Schedule I Drug


Marijuana and ADD Therapeutic uses of Medical Marijuana in the treatment of ADD
Therapeutic uses of Medical Marijuana in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder

Cannabis as a medical treatment for attention deficit disorder
Cannabis as a medical treatment for attention deficit disorder - File psychiatry/psychology - Hemp and Medicine - Welcome to! The specialist for hemp (Cannabis) in Switzerland

Cannabinoids effective in animal model of hyperactivity disorder
International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

Cannabis 'Scrips to Calm Kids? - Cannabis 'Scrips to Calm Kids? - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

Science: THC normalized impaired psychomotor performance and mood in a patient with hyperactivity disorder
International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

Cannabis Improves Symptoms of ADHD

Fitness to drive in spite (because) of THC
Unbound MEDLINE | [Fitness to drive in spite (because) of THC] Journal article abstract

Recipe For Trouble (anecdotal story)
Recipe For Trouble - 48 Hours - CBS News

Why I Give My 9-year-old Pot
Why I am giving marijuana to my 9-year-old autistic son.


Women's Guide to the UofC
Women's Guide to the UofC

Cannabis Basics
Erowid Cannabis Vault: Basics

10 Things Every Parent, Teenager & Teacher Should Know About Marijuana (4th Question)
Erowid Psychoactive Vaults

Marijuana Myths, Claim No. 9
Erowid Cannabis Vault : Exposing Marijuana Myths

Excerpt from the Merck Manual
Excerpt from the Merck Manual

Relative Addictiveness of Various Substances
Relative Addictiveness of Various Substances

Study of 4000 indicates marijuana discourages use of hard drugs.
Study of 4000 indicates marijuana discourages use of hard drugs.

Long term marijuana users seeking medical cannabis in California (2001–2007): demographics, social characteristics, patterns of cannabis and other drug use of 4117 applicants
Harm Reduction Journal | Full text | Long term marijuana users seeking medical cannabis in California (2001-2007): demographics, social characteristics, patterns of cannabis and other drug use of 4117 applicants

The Surprising Effect Of Marijuana On Morphine Dependence
The Surprising Effect Of Marijuana On Morphine Dependence - Health News - redOrbit

Active Ingredient In Cannabis Eliminates Morphine Dependence In Rats
Active Ingredient In Cannabis Eliminates Morphine Dependence In Rats

Adolescent Exposure to Chronic Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Blocks Opiate Dependence in Maternally Deprived Rats
Neuropsychopharmacol ogy - Abstract of article: Adolescent Exposure to Chronic Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Blocks Opiate Dependence in Maternally Deprived Rats

AIDS – see HIV


Role of cannabinoid receptors in alcohol abuse
Role of cannabinoid receptors in alcohol abuse, study

Cannabidiol, Antioxidants, and Diuretics in Reversing Binge Ethanol-Induced Neurotoxicity
Comparison of Cannabidiol, Antioxidants, and Diuretics in Reversing Binge Ethanol-Induced Neurotoxicity ? JPET

Cannabis substitution
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cannabis as a Substitute for Alcohol

The endocannabinoid signaling system: a potential target for next-generation therapeutics for alcoholism
The endocannabinoid signaling system: a potential target for next-generation therapeutics for alcoholism

White Matter Integrity in Adolescents with Histories of Marijuana Use and Binge Drinking.
Unbound MEDLINE | White Matter Integrity in Adolescents with Histories of Marijuana Use and Binge Drinking. Journal article abstract

Pot Might Blunt Damage of Binge Drinking

Cannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs.
Unbound MEDLINE | Cannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs. Journal article

Daily marijuana users with past alcohol problems increase alcohol consumption during marijuana abstinence.
Unbound MEDLINE | Daily marijuana users with past alcohol problems increase alcohol consumption during marijuana abstinence. Journal article

Maternal Marijuana use not Associated with Psychotic Symptoms , but Alcohol is
Maternal Marijuana use not Associated with Psychotic Symptoms , but Alcohol is


Sensitization and Allergy to Cannabis sativa Leaves in a Population of Tomato Sensitized Patients.
Sensitization and Allergy to Cannabis sativa Leaves in a Population of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)-Sensitized Patients.

Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by Cannabis sativa pollen
File Archive - Cannabis Documents - Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by Cannabis sativa pollen (2008) - Drugs Forum

Allergic Skin Test Reactivity to Marijuana in the Southwest
Allergic Skin Test Reactivity to Marijuana in the Southwest

Marijuana smoking and fungal sensitization.
Marijuana smoking and fungal sensitization. [J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1983] - PubMed result


Cannabinol delays symptom onset
Cannabinol delays symptom onset in SOD1 (G93A) tra... [Amyotroph Lateral Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord. 2005] - PubMed result

Marijuana in the management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (may need free registration)

Cannabis use in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (may need free registration)

Cannabis' Potential Exciting Researchers in Treatment of ALS, Parkinson's Disease


Europe: Study: Marijuana Slows Alzheimer's Decline

Marijuana may block Alzheimer's
BBC NEWS | Health | Marijuana may block Alzheimer's

Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease Pathology by Cannabinoids
Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease Pathology by Cannabinoids: Neuroprotection Mediated by Blockade of Microglial Activation -- Ramrez et al. 25 (8): 1904 -- Journal of Neuroscience

Marijuana's Active Ingredient Shown to Inhibit Primary Marker of Alzheimer's Disease
AAMC: Marijuana's Active Ingredient Shown to Inhibit Primary Marker of Alzheimer's Disease

Safety and efficacy of Dronabinol in the treatment of agitation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease with anorexia
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Open-label study of Dronabinol in the treatment of refractory agitation in Alzheimer’s disease
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Effects of dronabinol on anorexia and disturbed behavior in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cannabinoids reduce the progression of Alzheimer's disease in animals
International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

Molecular Link between the Active Component of Marijuana and Alzheimer's Disease Pathology
Unbound MEDLINE | A Molecular Link between the Active Component of Marijuana and Alzheimer's Disease Pathology. Journal article abstract

THC inhibits primary marker of Alzheimer's disease
International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

Cannabinoid receptor stimulation is anti-inflammatory and improves memory in old rats
Cannabinoid receptor stimulation is anti-inflammat... [Neurobiol Aging. 2008] - PubMed result

Alzheimer's disease; taking the edge off with cannabinoids?
Alzheimer's disease; taking the edge off with cannabinoids?

US Patent 6630507 - Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants
Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants - US Patent 6630507 Abstract

Cannabidiol in vivo blunts β-amyloid induced neuroinflammation by suppressing IL-1β and iNOS expression
Cannabidiol in vivo blunts ?-amyloid induced neuroinflammation by suppressing IL-1? and iNOS expression

Inflammation and aging: can endocannabinoids help?
Inflammation and aging: can endocannabinoids help?

Anti-inflammatory property of the cannabinoid agonist WIN-55212-2 in a rodent model of chronic brain inflammation
Anti-inflammatory property of the cannabinoid agonist WIN-55212-2 in a rodent model of chronic brain inflammation

Marijuana reduces memory impairment
Aging - Marijuana reduces memory impairment

The activation of cannabinoid CB2 receptors stimulates in situ and in vitro beta-amyloid removal by human macrophages.
The activation of cannabinoid CB2 receptors stimul... [Brain Res. 2009] - PubMed result

Attacking Alzheimer's with Red Wine and Marijuana
Attacking Alzheimer's with Red Wine and Marijuana | | AlterNet

Pot joins the fight against Alzheimer's, memory loss
News Blog: Pot joins the fight against Alzheimer's, memory loss

AM-1346 - a synthetic cannabinoid

Synthetic Cannabinoid May Aid Fertility In Smokers
Synthetic Cannabinoid May Aid Fertility In Smokers


Amotivational Syndrome
Lycaeum > Leda > Amotivational Syndrome

Debunking 'Amotivational Syndrome'
US: Web: Column: Debunking 'Amotivational Syndrome'

Debunking the Amotivational Syndrome
Marijuana Research: Debunking the Amotivational Syndrome

Cannabis Use Not Linked To So-Called "Amotivational Syndrome"
Cannabis Use Not Linked To So-Called "Amotivational Syndrome" - NORML


Shared Comments and Observations
Comments and Observations

Cannabis Sativa (Marijuana) for Fibromyalgia
Cannabis Sativa (Marijuana) for Fibromyalgia

ANECDOTAL ARTICLES - Medical / Healing Information

Recipe For Trouble (anecdotal)
Recipe For Trouble - 48 Hours - CBS News

Why I Give My 9-year-old Pot
Why I am giving marijuana to my 9-year-old autistic son.


Antibacterial Cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa
ACS Publications - Cookie absent

Killing bacteria with cannabis
Killing bacteria with cannabis

Chemicals in Marijuana May Fight MRSA
Marijuana Ingredients May Fight MRSA

Cannabis Compounds Reduce Multi-Drug Resistant Infections
Cannabis Compounds Reduce Multi-Drug Resistant Infections

Biologically Active Cannabinoids from High-Potency Cannabis sativa.
Unbound MEDLINE | Biologically Active Cannabinoids from High-Potency Cannabis sativa. Journal article abstract

Antibacterial preparation from hemp (Cannabis sativa) (1958)
ChemPort Reference Linking Service

Hemp (Cannabis sativa)-an antibiotic drug. II. Methods and results of bacteriological investigations and preliminary clinical experiences (1958)
ChemPort Reference Linking Service

Characterization and antimicrobial activity of essential oils of industrial hemp varieties (Cannabis sativa L.).
Characterization and antimicrobial activity of ess... [Fitoterapia. 2009] - PubMed result


Biologically Active Cannabinoids from High-Potency Cannabis sativa.
Unbound MEDLINE | Biologically Active Cannabinoids from High-Potency Cannabis sativa. Journal article abstract


Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Constituents of Cannabis Sativa

Why Cannabis Stems Inflammation
Why Cannabis Stems Inflammation

Cannabidiol decreases bone resorption by inhibiting RANK/RANKL expression and pro-inflammatory cytokines during experimental periodontitis in rats.
Unbound MEDLINE | Cannabidiol decreases bone resorption by inhibiting RANK/RANKL expression and pro-inflammatory cytokines during experimental periodontitis in rats. Journal article abstract

Cannabidiol in vivo blunts β-amyloid induced neuroinflammation by suppressing IL-1β and iNOS expression (Alzheimer's)
Cannabidiol in vivo blunts ?-amyloid induced neuroinflammation by suppressing IL-1? and iNOS expression

Cannabidiol displays unexpectedly high potency as an antagonist of CB1 and CB2 receptor agonists in vitro
Cannabidiol displays unexpectedly high potency as an antagonist of CB1 and CB2 receptor agonists in vitro

Antiinflammatory action of endocannabinoid palmitoylethanolamid e and the synthetic cannabinoid nabilone in a model of acute inflammation in the rat
Antiinflammatory action of endocannabinoid palmitoylethanolamid e and the synthetic cannabinoid nabilone in a model of acute inflammation in the rat

Inflammation and aging: can endocannabinoids help?
Inflammation and aging: can endocannabinoids help?

Anti-inflammatory property of the cannabinoid agonist WIN-55212-2 in a rodent model of chronic brain inflammation
Anti-inflammatory property of the cannabinoid agonist WIN-55212-2 in a rodent model of chronic brain inflammation

Marijuana reduces memory impairment
Aging - Marijuana reduces memory impairment

Cannabidiol in medicine: a review of its therapeutic potential in CNS disorders.
Unbound MEDLINE | Cannabidiol in medicine: a review of its therapeutic potential in CNS disorders. Journal article abstract

Cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, and related analogs in inflammation.
Cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, and related analog... [AAPS J. 2009] - PubMed result


US Patent 6630507 - Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants
Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants - US Patent 6630507 Abstract

Cannabidiol and (−)Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neuroprotective antioxidants
Cannabidiol and (?)?9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neuroprotective antioxidants

Biological screening of 100 plant extracts for cosmetic use (II): anti-oxidative activity and free radical scavenging activity.
Unbound MEDLINE | Biological screening of 100 plant extracts for cosmetic use (II): anti-oxidative activity and free radical scavenging activity. Journal article abstract

Cannabinoids protect cells from oxidative cell death: a receptor-independent mechanism.
Cannabinoids protect cells from oxidative cell dea... [J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2000] - PubMed result

Cannabidiol in medicine: a review of its therapeutic potential in CNS disorders.
Unbound MEDLINE | Cannabidiol in medicine: a review of its therapeutic potential in CNS disorders. Journal article abstract



Cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent, as an antipsychotic drug
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research - Cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent, as an antipsychotic drug

The association between anxiety and alcohol versus cannabis abuse disorders among adolescents in primary care settings
The association between anxiety and alcohol versus cannabis abuse disorders among adolescents in primary care settings -- Low et al. 25 (5): 321 -- Family Practice

The efficacy and safety of nabilone (a synthetic cannabinoid) in the treatment of anxiety
Clinical Studies and Case Reports.

Cannabidiol as an antipsychotic. A double-blind, controlled clinical trial on cannabidiol vs. amisulpride in acute schizophrenia.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Single-dose study of nabilone in anxious volunteers.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Effects of {Delta}9-tetrahydrocannabinol on reward and anxiety in rats exposed to chronic unpredictable stress. Unbound MEDLINE | Effects of {Delta}9-tetrahydrocannabinol on reward and anxiety in rats exposed to chronic unpredictable stress. Journal article abstract

Modulation of effective connectivity during emotional processing by Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol.
Modulation of effective connectivity during emotio... [Int J Neuropsychopharmacol . 2009] - PubMed result

Opposite Effects of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol on Human Brain Function and Psychopathology.
Unbound MEDLINE | Opposite Effects of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol on Human Brain Function and Psychopathology. Journal article


Dronabinol an effective appetite stimulant?
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

THC improves appetite and reverses weight loss in AIDS patients
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Efficacy of dronabinol alone and in combination
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Dronabinol and marijuana in HIV-positive marijuana smokers: caloric intake, mood, and sleep.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The synthetic cannabinoid nabilone improves pain and symptom management in cancer patients
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Dronabinol for supportive therapy in patients with malignant melanoma and liver metastases
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Safety and efficacy of dronabinol in the treatment of agitation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The perceived effects of smoked cannabis on patients with multiple sclerosis.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Effects of dronabinol on anorexia and disturbed behavior in patients with Alzheimer's disease
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Dronabinol as a treatment for anorexia associated with weight loss in patients with AIDS.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol for appetite stimulation in cancer-associated anorexia
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Effect of dronabinol on nutritional status in HIV infection.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Dronabinol stimulates appetite and causes weight gain in HIV patients.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Dronabinol effects on weight in patients with HIV infection.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Recent clinical experience with dronabinol.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Dronabinol enhancement of appetite in cancer patients.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Effects of smoked marijuana on food intake and body weight
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Behavioral analysis of marijuana effects on food intake in humans.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cancer-related anorexia-cachexia syndrome
Unbound MEDLINE | Comparison of orally administered cannabis extract and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in treating patients with cancer-related anorexia-cachexia syndrome: a multicenter, phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical

THC effective in appetite and weight loss in severe lung disease (COPD)
International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

Machinery Of The 'Marijuana Munchies'
Machinery Of The 'Marijuana Munchies'

Therapeutic Aspects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
ROBSON: Br J Psychiatry, Volume 178().February 2001.107-115

Factors influencing the aggressiveness elicited by marihuana in food-deprived rats
Factors influencing the aggressiveness elicited by marihuana in food-deprived rats

Immunoactive cannabinoids: Therapeutic prospects for marijuana constituents Immunoactive cannabinoids: Therapeutic prospects for marijuana constituents

Natural Pot-Like Compound Could Fight Obesity
Natural Pot-Like Compound Could Fight Obesity: Scientific American Podcast


The nonpsychoactive cannabis constituent cannabidiol is an oral anti-arthritic therapeutic in murine collagen-induced arthritis
The nonpsychoactive cannabis constituent cannabidiol is an oral anti-arthritic therapeutic in murine collagen-induced arthritis ? PNAS

The Cannabinergic System as a Target for Anti-inflammatory Therapies
IngentaConnect The Cannabinergic System as a Target for Anti-inflammatory Therap...

Preliminary assessment of the efficacy, tolerability and safety of a cannabis-based medicine (Sativex) in the treatment of pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis
Preliminary assessment of the efficacy, tolerability and safety of a cannabis-based medicine (Sativex) in the treatment of pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis -- Blake et al. 45 (1): 50 -- Rheumatology

Suppression of fibroblast metalloproteinases by ajulemic acid, a nonpsychoactive cannabinoid acid.
Suppression of fibroblast metalloproteinases by aj... [J Cell Biochem. 2007] - PubMed result

The antinociceptive effect of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the arthritic rat involves the CB(2) cannabinoid receptor.
Unbound MEDLINE | The antinociceptive effect of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the arthritic rat involves the CB(2) cannabinoid receptor. Journal article abstract

Synergy between Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol and morphine in the arthritic rat
Unbound MEDLINE | Synergy between Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol and morphine in the arthritic rat. Journal article abstract

Rheumatoid arthritis, Cannabis based medicine eases pain and suppresses disease
Rheumatoid arthritis, cannabis based medicine eases pain and suppresses disease

Pot-Based Drug Promising for Arthritis
Pot-Based Drug Promising for Arthritis

Anti-inflammatory compound from cannabis found in herbs
Anti-inflammatory compound from cannabis found in herbs

Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Constituents of Cannabis Sativa

US Patent 6132762 - Transcutaneous application of marijuana
Transcutaneous application of marijuana - US Patent 6132762 Abstract

Cannabis May Suppress Immune System
Cannabis May Suppress Immune System

Immunoactive cannabinoids: Therapeutic prospects for marijuana constituents Immunoactive cannabinoids: Therapeutic prospects for marijuana constituents

In vivo effects of CB2 receptor-selective cannabinoids on the vasculature of normal and arthritic rat knee joints
In vivo effects of CB2 receptor-selective cannabinoids on the vasculature of normal and arthritic rat knee joints


The Cannabinergic System as a Target for Anti-inflammatory Therapies
IngentaConnect The Cannabinergic System as a Target for Anti-inflammatory Therap...

Acute and subacute bronchial effects of oral cannabinoids.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Comparison of bronchial effects of nabilone and terbutaline
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Bronchial effects of aerosolized delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Bronchodilator effect of delta1-tetrahydrocannabinol administered by aerosol
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Effects of smoked marijuana in experimentally induced asthma.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Marijuana and oral delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on specific airway conductance
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

New Synthetic Delta-9-THC Inhaler Offers Safe, Rapid Delivery
New Synthetic Delta-9-THC Inhaler Offers Safe, Rapid Delivery, Phase I Study

Smoked marijuana and oral delta-9-THC on specific airway conductance in asthmatic subjects
Acute effects of smoked marijuana and oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on specific airway conductance in asthmatic subjects

Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Constituents of Cannabis Sativa


Marijuana Chemical Fights Hardened Arteries
Marijuana Chemical Fights Hardened Arteries

Does Cannabis Hold the Key to Treating Cardiometabolic Disease (may need free registration)

The Cannabinergic System as a Target for Anti-inflammatory Therapies
IngentaConnect The Cannabinergic System as a Target for Anti-inflammatory Therap...

Cannabis compound tackles blood vessel disease
Cannabis compound tackles blood vessel disease

Medical marijuana: study shows that THC slows atherosclerosis
The Next Hurrah: Medical marijuana: study shows that THC slows atherosclerosis

Cardiovascular Effects of Cannabis
Cardiovascular Effects of Cannabis

Cannabidiol attenuates high glucose-induced endothelial cell inflammatory response and barrier disruption
Cannabidiol attenuates high glucose-induced endothelial cell inflammatory response and barrier disruption

Low dose oral cannabinoid therapy reduces progression of atherosclerosis in mice.
Low dose oral cannabinoid therapy reduces progress... [Nature. 2005] - PubMed result

Cannabidiol-2',6'-Dimethyl Ether, a Cannabidiol Derivative, Is a Highly Potent and Selective 15-Lipoxygenase Inhibitor.
Unbound MEDLINE | Cannabidiol-2',6'-Dimethyl Ether, a Cannabidiol Derivative, Is a Highly Potent and Selective 15-Lipoxygenase Inhibitor. Journal article abstract

Cannabinoids and atherosclerosis.
Unbound MEDLINE | Cannabinoids and atherosclerosis. Journal article abstract


Autism and Medical Marijuana
Autism and Medical Marijuana

AAMC patient: James D.

Medical marijuana: a valuable treatment for autism?
Medical Marijuana: A Valuable Treatment for Autism?

Sam’s Story: Using Medical Cannabis to Treat Autism Spectrum Disorder
Using Medical Cannabis to Treat Autism Spectrum Disorder: Sam's Story

Mom: Medical marijuana saved son's life
Medical marijuana used to treat 10-year-old autistic boy - 8/29/09 - Los Angeles-Southern California-LA Breaking News, Weather, Traffic, Sports -

Sam's Story: Medical Marijuana and Autism,1396115.story


Beta-caryophyllene is a dietary cannabinoid
Beta-caryophyllene is a dietary cannabinoid


The Use of Cannabis as a Mood Stabilizer in Bipolar Disorder: Anecdotal Evidence and the Need for Clinical Research
The Use of Cannabis as a Mood Stabilizer in Bipolar Disorder

Cannabinoids in bipolar affective disorder: a review and discussion of their therapeutic potential.
Cannabinoids in bipolar affective disorder: a revi... [J Psychopharmacol. 2005] - PubMed result

Cannabis in bipolar
Bipolar Disorder Daily News Blog: Cannabis in bipolar

Recipe For Trouble (anecdotal)
Recipe For Trouble - 48 Hours - CBS News

The effect of extreme marijuana use on the long-term course of bipolar I illness: a single case study.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Opposite relationships between cannabis use and neurocognitive functioning in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Unbound MEDLINE | Opposite relationships between cannabis use and neurocognitive functioning in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Journal article


Lowering of Blood Pressure Through Use of Hashish
Lowering of Blood Pressure Through Use of Hashish: The Hempire - [cannabis, london]

Blood Pressure Lowered With Cannabis Component
Blood Pressure Lowered With Cannabis Component: The Hempire - [cannabis, legalise]




How hash became a smash in brain trauma research
MAPS: How hash became a smash in brain trauma research

Synthetic Marijuana Helps Trauma Patients
medical marijuana, medical marijuana canada, compassion club, medical cannabis, medical marijuana vancouver - Synthetic Marijuana Helps Trauma Patients

Marijuana Smoking Doesn't Kill
Marijuana Smoking Doesn't Kill

An endogenous cannabinoid (2-AG) is neuroprotective after brain injury.
An endogenous cannabinoid (2-AG) is neuroprotectiv... [Nature. 2001] - PubMed result


Effects of frequent marijuana use on brain tissue volume and composition
Effects of frequent marijuana use on brain tissue volume and composition

The influence of substance use on adolescent brain development.
The influence of substance use on adolescent brain... [Clin EEG Neurosci. 2009] - PubMed result

A preliminary DTI study showing no brain structural change associated with adolescent cannabis use
A preliminary DTI study showing no brain structural change associated with adolescent cannabis use

White Matter Integrity in Adolescents with Histories of Marijuana Use and Binge Drinking.
Unbound MEDLINE | White Matter Integrity in Adolescents with Histories of Marijuana Use and Binge Drinking. Journal article abstract

Neuroimaging in cannabis use: a systematic review of the literature.
Unbound MEDLINE | Neuroimaging in cannabis use: a systematic review of the literature. Journal article abstract


Mullaways Tincture of THC

I was drifting a bit and started thinking about Mullaway and his tincture. He recently opened a medicinal dispensary in Nimbin. Check it out here:

Here is a testimony from someone who suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and  uses Mullaway's Tincture:

Medical Marijuana Inc Announces First National Educational Expo

Medical Marijuana Inc Announces First National Educational Expo

Medical Marijuana Inc (PINKSHEETS: MJNA) is proud to announce the launch of its first National Educational Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Theatre Room on January 16 & 17, 2010. Featured prominent industry experts and celebrities include the former NORML Director and current CFO of Cannabis Science, and the founder, editor, & publisher of Marijuana News, Richard Cowan; and Medical Marijuana Inc Chairman, Bruce Perlowin. Special guest speaker and long suffering marijuana defendant, Robert Platshorn, author of "The Tuna Diaries" (featured in "The 35 Year Anniversary Issue of High Times Magazine") will regale you with tales of smuggling, federal court trial and "doing hard time" (3 decades in prison). Bobby's post release commitment to changing public opinion through education and information is engaging. Interact with The Executive Officers of MJNA, including the Director of Investor Relations, who will be present and available for consultation.

Complete announcement is here:

Medical Marijuana Incorporated Unveils a Sampling of Its All Star Cast of Industry Speakers to Appear at Upcoming National Educational Expo in the Los Angeles Convention Center

Marijuana Addiction - Lies, Lies and a little Fantasy For Good Measure

Someone is at it again. Sourcing anti-marijuana drivel from another document library called 'ezine Articles'.

This one, titled 'Marijuana Addiction', has been posted on a blog called 'Health Medical Information - Useful Health Medical Articles for Every Health Resolution'.

Or, according to the 'About' page:- is a personal blog Information and global resources on all health topics. Here we have lots of useful articles will guide to enjoy your life in a healthy way.

The 'Addiction Recovery Blog' also used this article back in June of 2009.

The original author of the article is apparently Anu Seth -

Anu Seth says of herself:

I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts and beliefs with others. Turning an uninteresting topic into a gripping article, with well researched facts and eloquent use of the english language, is my way of spending time fruitfully.

Below is the article in question. The one that the title of this post refers to. I have taken the liberty of correcting some of  Ms Seths errors. She may or may not wish to update her text to to correct the errors.

Marijuana is a tobacco-like substance, dull in colors like green, gray or brown, made up of dried leaves, stems, seeds and flowers of the hemp plant. Known by over 200 names, it is an addictive substance commonly referred to as pot, herb, weed, grass, boom and hashish is its stronger form. In whatever form it is taken, it alters the way the mind works as it contains an active chemical called THC, or delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol. Initially used for medication and healing, it became dangerous, dreaded drug in the 1970s as its addictive powers gripped thousands and became a forbidden drug that was smuggled into countries...

Cannabis can be psychologically addictive for some people. It is not physically addictive.

Marijuana is terribly addictive and obsessive. It is smoked almost like a cigarette and gets absorbed into the body almost instantaneously. It reaches the brain and united with receptors of nerve cells, affecting that part of the brain, which controls pleasure, thought, concentration, memory and coordination. It then impedes these activities. A person gets addicted to it very easily and it is peddled so much that it is often easier to procure than alcohol. Addicts think about the drug all the time, where and how to get it, how to raise funds for it, forgetting values and principles just to be able to get marijuana, and the fear of not getting it in the future. The biggest problem of its addiction is the body's physical craving for marijuana, and more and more quantities are required to reach that level of bliss.

The above paragraph made me laugh. I think this might come straight from the script of 'Reefer Madness', that  1936 anti-pot propaganda film. I refuse to disprove text that is based on the authors opinion. The above paragraph is so far from the truth that it should be classed as fiction. Please Anu Seth, DO SOME RESEARCH *before* you attempt to write an 'authoritative' article on the subject.

Marijuana addiction is far tougher to shake off than alcohol. It is so addictive that the individual is unable to give up when he knows its ill effects and the consequences of its addiction. It gets him caught in the vicious circle of wanting to take it to escape the consequences of its consumption. The stigma attached to it engulfs family members as well.
 Is this article about Marijuana? Sounds more like it's describing chronic Heroin addiction, or a long term Methamphetamine addiction.

Firstly, Alcohol addiction is not only harder to break than cannabis dependency, alcohol is also poisonous to the body. This article,
 describes a small study that shows how cannabis can be an extremely effective in treating alcohol addiction.
Further, in terms of cannabis and addiction, the withdrawal effects have been ascertained to be less problematic than caffeine withdrawal.
There are some comparisons of different drugs and their addictiveness ratings available here at
The comparisons are from medical professionals and consistently rate marijuana as the least addictive of the drugs, including caffeine.

Marijuana addiction leads to problems with remembering, incoherence, inability to learn and leads to absenteeism, lack of seriousness at work. This could culminate in losing one's job and earning capability. It would also turn him into a social outcast often disowned by friends, and sometimes even by family. A marijuana addict is even treated as a threat to society and many steer clear o him for fear of getting dragged into this addiction.

 Another paragraph from the Reefer Madness script. This must just be padding to get the word count up. Once again, I won't insult my readers' intelligence by pointing out the ignorance of this paragraph.

This addiction is really like a disease, which needs to be treated over a period of time with medication and counseling. Behavioral therapy adopted by some organizations committed to eradicating marijuana addiction are known to get encouraging results in hundreds of cases. An example of one such organization is the Spencer Recovery Center, which hires professionals only to treat marijuana addicts and have a fantastic success rate due to their committed approach.

The final paragraph appears to be an endorsement fora rehab center. Maybe Anu is on commision to write articles like this. Nooooo.

Anu Seth, if you do happen to read this, please, please, please don't perpetuate the marijuana myths of the 30's. All it does is lower your credibility as an author and lead people to doubt the authority of any of the other articles you've written for 'ezine articles'.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Breakthrough Research Shows Cannabis' Strong Anti-cancer Potential Again

I was reading the NORML Stash Blog this morning, specifically this post. I did a little searching and came up with some more cannabis studies, including reports about US Govt research back in 1974 that showed the anti-cancer properties of cannabinoids. Of course, the government at the time didn't think the public should know about this, so they made every attempt to cover up these findings.

One of the most recent studies conducted by The Hebrew University in Israel, published in 'Molecular Cancer Therapeutics' and partly funded by The National Institute on Drug Abuse (yes, NIDA) backs up the 1974 studies.

There are a number of other relatively recent studies that I'll summarize here. Links to abstracts etc are at the end of this post.

The three studies I looked at today have shown that synthesized cannabidiol (CBD)  and other cannabinoids have halted the spread of, or killed the following cancers:

muscle tissue cancer (rhabdomyosarcoma)
skin/bowel/eye cancers (melanoma types)
brain cancers (glioma)
and especially aggressive breast cancer cells (metastatic breast cancer cells)

Another study has shown that a cannabinoid anti-cancer quinone (growth inhibitor) named HU-331 is more effective and far less dangerous to the heart than a common anti-cancer drug, Doxorubicin.
Most anticancer drugs have a cumulative toxic effect on the heart. HU-331 is not toxic to the body, only cancer cells. Scientists are saying that this cannabinoid may be the next big anticancer drug.


Cannabinoid receptor 1 is a potential drug target for treatment of translocation-positive rhabdomyosarcoma

(Molecular Cancer Therapeutics)

 Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells

 (Molecular Cancer Therapeutics)

A Cannabinoid Anticancer Quinone, HU-331, Is More Potent and Less Cardiotoxic Than Doxorubicin: A Comparative in Vivo Study

(The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

 Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974 

(Patients For Medical Marijuana)

Study: cannabidiol proves effective in fighting brain cancer in the lab


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Australian Politicians - Are You Reading This?

Rather than get offensive, I'll start this by saying, Australian Cannabis laws are archaic.

We have six states and two territories (on the major continental islands). In every one it is illegal to grow medicinal grade cannabis. Granted, our industrial hemp laws are in some ways ahead of other countries. In three of our states (Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales), we can grow Industrial Hemp with varying degrees of monitoring and inspection. However, some other states have trialled the crop, but inconceivably rejected industrial use.

Right now we need to push for legal medicinal cannabis in Australia.

Canada has passed Medicinal Cannabis laws. Thirteen states in the US have medicinal cannabis laws. In Europe, many countries have decriminalised cannabis. In Australia? Nothing. It is still an illegal drug with wide and varied penalties, depending on where you live and what you possess/grow.

Current research shows cannabis to be a valuable, but underutilized medicine.

In previous posts I have reported on many of the recent research efforts into cannabis' medicinal value.
The following links are just a sample:

 Australia has an opportunity to be at the forefront of medicinal cannabis research and development. We could lead the world in this industry if a few forward thinking politicians look beyond the 'marijuana madness' myths of the 30s and 40s, and start seeing cannabis as the valid medicine that it is and has been for 5000 plus years.

Marijuana Is Evil! (or...Time Tripping on the Interweb)

It's True! I read it on the Interweb! Cannabis, Marijuana, Hemp, Ganja, doesn't matter what you call it, IT'S EVIL!!!

The good charitable folk over at 'How Do I Get Off Drugs' (dot com) told me so:

Call it Aunt Mary, Dope, Ganja, Gangster, Kif, Skunk, Weed, Hash, Maryjane or simply marijuana. These are some of the common names of the illegal drug, Marijuana. The campaigns against the use of marijuana are endless. It is true that they kill. People take it for the first time to be dared, second time if they feel low, third time at a party, fourth time for a good sleep and unfortunately after that it has to be taken till it turns them to the death bed. It is dangerous and it must be avoided.

 I just had another 'Twilight Zone' moment. Every time I read that paragraph, I feel like I'm back in the fifties.

Why is this type of outdated, ignorant fear-mongering still happening in 2010?
One answer could be that the owners of 'How Do I Get Off Drugs?' have a vested interest in convincing people that they need rehabilitation. After all, they are a rehab clinic themselves, offering 'competitive rates'

Think drug rehab is just for movie stars and politicians?  think again, we offer competitive rates,  we accept most insurance, female only and male only treatment centers, onsite and offsite locations and a confidential safe environment with highly trained, confidential staff members. PLEASE visit us today, it just might save a life.

This centre also provides an online questionnaire to help parents assess whether their child may be on drugs:

1 Do you find that your teen has had a recent change in his/her group of friends?
2 Do you find that your teen is careless with grooming?
3 Do you find that your teen has lost interest in activities or sports that they used to enjoy?
4 Do you find that your teen has been missing school?
5 Do you find that your teen has had declining grades?
6 Do you find that your teen is secretive about possessions, friends, or conversations?
7 Do you find that your teen seems guilty when you ask questions about his or her whereabouts?
8 Do you find that your teen lies to you about the places he or she’s been?
9 Has dramatic personality or mood changes?
10 Do you find that your teen seems more sluggish and run down than usual?
11 Do you find that your teen frequently makes excuses for not being able to attend family events or outings?
12 Do you find that your teen uses incense, room spray or perfumes to hide smoke or chemical odor?
13 Do you find that your teen uses secretive or "coded" language with friends?
14 Do you find that your teen has been taking/spending an increased amount of money with no explanation for where it’s going?
15 Has been in trouble — with family, at work or school, or with the police — because of drinking or drug use?
16 Have you found evidence of drug paraphernalia such as pipes, rolling papers, etc?
17 Have you found inhaling products (such as hairspray, nail polish, correction fluid, etc)? Or rags and paper bags that are sometimes used as inhalant accessories?
18 Have you found bottles of eye drops, which may be used to mask bloodshot eyes or dilated pupils?
19 Have you found that he or she has come home after school or after being out with the smell of mouthwash or breath mints to cover up the smell of alcohol?
20 Have you found that you are missing prescription drugs?  

Now, I am a parent. I have five adult children and two entering their teens. If I were to answer that questionnaire, I'd be convinced my eldest were on drugs when they were teens before I got to question 9! That's puberty, not drug addiction.

I then got to thinking, where do these people get their information from?
A check with the online plagiarism checker (I'm beginning to really like this tool) led me to this page:

Free Articles For Reprint (Google cached page).

So, the evil weed warning was a straight copy and paste. The full article was written by someone who sells custom wall posters, hence the title of the post:

Drugs Posters: the Evil Must be Stopped

 Isn't there a law about inciting fear using falsehoods in order to make a financial gain?