Sunday, August 29, 2010

1000's of Cannabis Convictions May be Based on Flawed Evidence

One of the most commonly used Cannabis detection methods may be responsible for the wrongful convictions of thousands of people.
According to AlterNet, the 'Duquenois-Levine' test, widely used by police forces as a screening test for Cannabis, is non-specific and may produce false positive. In fact, the manufacturers of the test stress that it should only be used as a preliminary screening test, prior to more specific testing methods.
Yet the test is routinely presented as the only evidence in cannabis use/possession charges.

Science Blog also covers this story.

Natural News ran a similar story back in 2009, stating cases where NIK tests were falsely flagging soaps and chocolates as narcotics and/or Cannabis.

Stop The Drug War ran the expose in 2009

The Australian Hemp Embassy is also re-reporting the story from AlterNet.


Blair Anderson said...

The science validiadting this test as weak and non-specific has been known for years. Even some common over the counter medicines lead to false positives. The DL reagents are used to extract a confession (plea bargain) which is even more dispicable. In a zero tollerance world, such tests pass muster for detecting 'evil' - we may has well use the Salem test and dunk people.