Sunday, August 29, 2010

Apoptosis, Cannabinoids and Platelets

A Piece Of Mind: Platelets and Apoptosis

This article explains how platelets (simple explanation: blood clotting cells) break down in the system as a result of induced Apoptosis. It goes on to describe further research that shows how the activation of particular cannabinoid receptors can reduce apoptosis in platelets, thereby prolonging their life.

In laymans terms, and very prematurely, this could result in further research into using cannabinoids to reduce the incidence of uncontrolled bleeding.

Endocannabinoids and the Tolerance Effect

New research shows that some endocannabinoids react differently to prolonged activation...

A short summary and press release is here.

The research paper is here.

A good layman's description is here.

1000's of Cannabis Convictions May be Based on Flawed Evidence

One of the most commonly used Cannabis detection methods may be responsible for the wrongful convictions of thousands of people.
According to AlterNet, the 'Duquenois-Levine' test, widely used by police forces as a screening test for Cannabis, is non-specific and may produce false positive. In fact, the manufacturers of the test stress that it should only be used as a preliminary screening test, prior to more specific testing methods.
Yet the test is routinely presented as the only evidence in cannabis use/possession charges.

Science Blog also covers this story.

Natural News ran a similar story back in 2009, stating cases where NIK tests were falsely flagging soaps and chocolates as narcotics and/or Cannabis.

Stop The Drug War ran the expose in 2009

The Australian Hemp Embassy is also re-reporting the story from AlterNet.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Electric Car Made From Hemp - I Love Canada!

Canadians are too clever.

They are developing an electric car ...not so special you say?
Well, this car is also going to have a composite Hemp body...not so special either? After all, Henry Ford built an ethanol powered Hemp bodied car years ago.

But, this car will have a motor that was developed and manufactured in Canada by TM4, a subsidiary of Hydro-Quebec, and the Hemp will be grown and processed in Canada. This has got to be good for the local economy, and should be a lesson to the rest of the planet. Do something local with some renewable resources and help the planet and your part of the Global Village. 

From the source:
The Kestrel is one of five electric vehicles being developed by Project Eve, an automotive industry collaboration founded by Motive and Toronto Electric, an Ontario material handling and electric motor company, to boost the production of electric vehicles and electric vehicle components in Canada.
Read more: The Kestrel

References and sources:
2: Schaffer Library of Drug Policy (early news of Ford's Hemp Car): Extract from Popular Mechanics, Dec. 1941
4: Marijuana Henry Ford Hemp Car
6: Facts About Hemp
7: Hempcar: The TransAmerica Homepage. Circling the US in a Hemp powered car.
8: University of Southern QLD ePrints: Environmentally friendly natural fibre composites with Qld. based vegetable oils
9: Michigan State University (WARNING-PDF link): Are natural fiber composites environmentally superior to glass fiber reinforced composites?
10: TM4 Electro Dynamic Systems: Home Page